Electrical Engineering Association (ELETA)


Main Advisor

Ts. Dr. Shafinaz Sobihana Shariffudin (03-55436042)

Secondary Advisor

YM Tuan Norjihan Tuan Yaacub (03-5543 6005)


  1. To win the Anugerah Khas Persatuan Terbaik UiTM Award.
  2. Helping students to communicate better while instilling leadership qualities in order for them to be the perfect engineer.
  • Fostering an honest, wholesome relationship built on trust between the student body and the academicians.

Mission Statements:

  1. Ushering the advent of a world-beating generation of graduates that are also competitive.
  2. To make ELETA as the gold-standard in association management and for other association to emulate.


  1. To assist both the Faculty and University in creating world-class graduates.
  2. To help members in transitioning for a life after graduation.


Dirasatu Ramadan – 22 Mei 2020

E-Sport ELETA 3.0 – 10/11 Jun 2020


Antenna Outdoor Workshop – 11/12 Ogos 202


ELETA Resume Session: Effective Resume Writing & Your Presence Matter – 13 Oktober 2020