Industrial Training Procedures



Industrial Training Process and Procedures


Before Industrial Training

• Attend Industrial Training initial briefings.
• Get Letter From Institution at Academic Office, Level 10, FKE or download from FKE website.
• Obtain and confirm Industrial Training placement.
• Get information "Contact Person" company (Name, Telephone no. and email).
• Make sure you know the location of industrial training placement.
• Prepare the documents needed by the company if requested.
• Attend a final briefing and get industrial training log book.
• Prepare forms LM.UiTM.FKE(O).09/04-Pindaan 2, LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/01-Pindaan 2, LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/06, LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/02-Pindaan 1, EMPLOYER SURVEY FORM letter of offer industrial training and indemnity letter.


During Industrial Training

• Well-dressed, disciplined and abide by the rules of company and maintain a good name of UiTM.
• Submit online form “BORANG MAKLUMAT LATIHAN INDUSTRI” at during the first week of industrial training.
• Make sure logbook constantly updated and validated by industrial supervisor.
• Visiting Lecturer from FKE will come to visit. Visiting lecturer will contact the student or the supervisor to make an appointment.
• Submit form LM.UiTM.FKE (O).18/02-Pindaan 1 to the Industrial Supervisor in week 7. Take back the form and submitted to visiting lecturer during visit.
• Complete the training by the date fixed.


After Industrial Training

• Prepare Industrial Training report in a specified format.
• Submit the form LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/05-Pindaan1 (completed), LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/06 (completed), SUMMARY OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING EVALUATION (completed), EMPLOYER SURVEY FORM (completed), Industrial Training report and log book to the Industrial Training Coordinator FKE according to center of studies, no later than 3 weeks after completion of industrial training.
• You are advised to provide 2 copies of the Industrial Training report. A copy of the FKE and the other copy is for yourselves. Industry report is an essential component of your job applications.


School of Electrical Engineering(Formerly known as Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
Kompleks Kejuruteraan Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'Adzam Shah
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450, Shah Alam
Selangor, Malaysia

Fax: 03- 5543 5077