Industrial Training Process and Procedures
Before Industrial Training
• Attend Industrial Training initial briefings.
• Get Letter From Institution at Academic Office, Level 10, FKE or download from FKE website.
• Obtain and confirm Industrial Training placement.
• Get information "Contact Person" company (Name, Telephone no. and email).
• Make sure you know the location of industrial training placement.
• Prepare the documents needed by the company if requested.
• Attend a final briefing and get industrial training log book.
• Prepare forms LM.UiTM.FKE(O).09/04-Pindaan 2, LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/01-Pindaan 2, LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/06, LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/02-Pindaan 1, EMPLOYER SURVEY FORM letter of offer industrial training and indemnity letter.
During Industrial Training
• Well-dressed, disciplined and abide by the rules of company and maintain a good name of UiTM.
• Submit online form “BORANG MAKLUMAT LATIHAN INDUSTRI” at during the first week of industrial training.
• Make sure logbook constantly updated and validated by industrial supervisor.
• Visiting Lecturer from FKE will come to visit. Visiting lecturer will contact the student or the supervisor to make an appointment.
• Submit form LM.UiTM.FKE (O).18/02-Pindaan 1 to the Industrial Supervisor in week 7. Take back the form and submitted to visiting lecturer during visit.
• Complete the training by the date fixed.
After Industrial Training
• Prepare Industrial Training report in a specified format.
• Submit the form LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/05-Pindaan1 (completed), LM.UiTM.FKE(O).18/06 (completed), SUMMARY OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING EVALUATION (completed), EMPLOYER SURVEY FORM (completed), Industrial Training report and log book to the Industrial Training Coordinator FKE according to center of studies, no later than 3 weeks after completion of industrial training.
• You are advised to provide 2 copies of the Industrial Training report. A copy of the FKE and the other copy is for yourselves. Industry report is an essential component of your job applications.