Publication 2022


Authors Title Source title
Che Ibrahim C.K.I.; Belayutham S.; Awuzie B.O.; Oke A.E. Analysis of designers’ Prevention through Design (PtD) competence in the construction industry: A study of Malaysia, Nigeria, and South Africa Safety Science
Mustaffa N.K.; Kudus S.A. Challenges and way forward towards best practices of energy efficient building in Malaysia Energy
Hasim A.M.; Shahid K.A.; Ariffin N.F.; Nasrudin N.N.; Zaimi M.N.S.; Kamarudin M.K. Coal bottom ash concrete: Mechanical properties and cracking mechanism of concrete subjected to cyclic load test Construction and Building Materials
Saidin S.S.; Kudus S.A.; Jamadin A.; Anuar M.A.; Amin N.M.; Ibrahim Z.; Zakaria A.B.; Sugiura K. Operational modal analysis and finite element model updating of ultra-high-performance concrete bridge based on ambient vibration test Case Studies in Construction Materials
Allujami H.M.; Abdulkareem M.; Jassam T.M.; Al-Mansob R.A.; Ibrahim A.; Ng J.L.; Yam H.C. Mechanical properties of concrete containing recycle concrete aggregates and multi-walled carbon nanotubes under static and dynamic stresses Case Studies in Construction Materials
Safian S.D.; Abd Malek N.I.; Jamil Z.; Lee S.-W.; Tseng C.-J.; Osman N. Study on the surface segregation of mixed ionic-electronic conductor lanthanum-based perovskite oxide La1−xSrxCo1−yFeyO3−δ materials International Journal of Energy Research
Hidayah E.; Indarto; Lee W.-K.; Halik G.; Pradhan B. Assessing Coastal Flood Susceptibility in East Java, Indonesia: Comparison of Statistical Bivariate and Machine Learning Techniques Water (Switzerland)
Abbas H.A.; Mohamed Z.; Mohd-Nordin M.M. Characterization of the Body Wave Anisotropy of an Interbedded Sandstone-Shale at Multi Orientations and Interlayer Ratios Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Saidin S.S.; Jamadin A.; Abdul Kudus S.; Mohd Amin N.; Anuar M.A. An Overview: The Application of Vibration-Based Techniques in Bridge Structural Health Monitoring International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
Alias S.; Omar M.; Hussain N.H.; Mohd-Kamil N.A.F.; Abdul-Talib S. Kinetics of Benzo(a)pyrene biodegradation and bacterial growth in sandy soil by Sphingobacterium spiritovorum Heliyon
Mohamad N.D.; Zaki Z.M.; Amir A. Enhanced oxidation of tetrachloroethylene by Fenton reaction during interaction between nano-hematite and glutathione Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Che Ibrahim C.K.I.; Manu P.; Belayutham S.; Mahamadu A.-M.; Antwi-Afari M.F. Design for safety (DfS) practice in construction engineering and management research: A review of current trends and future directions Journal of Building Engineering
Azmi A.; Ahmad Z.; Lum W.C.; Baharin A.; Za’ba N.I.L.; Bhkari N.M.; Lee S.H. Compressive Strength Characteristic Values of Nine Structural Sized Malaysian Tropical Hardwoods Forests
Rusli R.; Mohammad M.Z.; Azreena Kamaluddin N.; Bakar H.; Hafzi Md Isa M. A comparison of characteristics between food delivery riders with and without traffic crash experience during delivery in Malaysia Case Studies on Transport Policy
Abdul Kudus S.; Muhamad Bunnori N.; Mustaffa N.K.; Jamadin A. Investigation on Acoustic Emission Parameters due to Fatigue Damage of Concrete Beams with Variable Notched Depth International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
Zou C.; Ibrahim Z.; Hashim H.; Jamadin A.; Ayough P. Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete slabs under high-cyclic fatigue loading Journal of Materials Research and Technology
Muda M.F.; Mohd Hashim M.H.; Kamarudin M.K.; Mohd M.H.; Tafsirojjaman T.; Rahman M.A.; Paik J.K. Burst pressure strength of corroded subsea pipelines repaired with composite fiber-reinforced polymer patches Engineering Failure Analysis
Fauzi M.A.; Arshad M.F.; Nor N.M.; Ghazali E. Sustainable controlled low-strength material: Plastic properties and strength optimization Computers and Concrete
Che Ibrahim C.K.I.; Belayutham S.; Manu P.; Mahamadu A.-M.; Cheung C.M. Knowledge, attitude and practices of design for safety (DfS): A dynamic insight between academics and practitioners in Malaysia Safety Science
Samsudin N.S.; Mohammad M.Z.; Khalil N.; Nadzri N.D.; Izam Che Ibrahim C.K. A thematic review on Prevention through design (PtD) concept application in the construction industry of developing countries Safety Science
Fauzi M.A.; Arshad M.F.; Md Nor N.; Ghazali E. Modeling and optimization of properties for unprocessed-fly ash (u-FA) controlled low-strength material as backfill materials Cleaner Engineering and Technology
Che Ibrahim C.K.I.; Belayutham S.; Mohammad M.Z.; Ismail S. Development of a Conceptual Designer's Knowledge, Skills, and Experience Index for Prevention through Design Practice in Construction Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Lim F.H.; Lee W.-K.; Osman S.; Lee A.S.P.; Khor W.S.; Ruslan N.H.; Ghazali N.H.M. Multi-model approach of data-driven flood forecasting with error correction for large river basins Hydrological Sciences Journal
Belayutham S.; Mohamad Jaafar R.N.A.; Ismail H.B.; Che Ibrahim C.K.I. Production planning, monitoring and review: comparison between the practices in an urban rail transit megaproject with the Last Planner System TQM Journal
Hamzah N.; Saman H.M.; Baghban M.H.; Sam A.R.M.; Faridmehr I.; Sidek M.N.M.; Benjeddou O.; Huseien G.F. A Review on the Use of Self-Curing Agents and Its Mechanism in High-Performance Cementitious Materials Buildings
Sambudi N.S.; Sithambaran Y.; Hui K.C.; Nugraha M.W.; Kamal N.A.; Harun N.Y.; Sufian S. Modification of Kaolin with Carbon Quantum Dots as Composite for Methylene Blue Removal: Literature Review and Experiment Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology
Mustaffa N.K.; Abdul Kudus S.; Abdul Aziz M.F.H.; Anak Joseph V.R. Strategies and way forward of low carbon construction in Malaysia Building Research and Information
Ismail S.; Che Ibrahim C.K.I.; Belayutham S.; Mohammad M.Z. Analysis of attributes critical to the designer’s prevention through design competence in construction: the case of Malaysia Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Mustaffa N.K. Alternative Configurations of Earthmoving Loading Practices toward Emissions Reduction Journal of Construction Engineering and Management


Authors Title Source title
Maulana M.R.; Sugiman S.; Ahmad H.; Jaini Z.M.; Mansor H. XFEM Modelling and Experimental Observations of Foam Concrete Beam Externally-Bonded with KFRP Sheet Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
Kok P.H.; Wijeratne S.; Akhir M.F.; Pattiaratchi C.; Chung J.X.; Roseli N.H.; Daud N.R. Modeling approaches in the investigation of upwelling along the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia: Its driven mechanisms Regional Studies in Marine Science
Mazlina M.; Liew M.S.; Danyaro K.U.; Adnan A.; Hamid N.H.A. Seismic Microzonation Map for a Fixed-Jacket Platform in the Malay Basin Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Rehman M.A.; Abd Rahman N.; Masli M.N.; Mohd Razali S.F.; Mohd Taib A.; Ahmad Kamal N.; Jusoh H.; Ahmad A. Relationship between soil erodibility and shear wave velocity: A feasibility study Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Thomas J.; Thomas M.E.; Abraham J.; Francis B.; Ahmad Z.; Patanair B.; Saiter-Fourcin A.; Jaroszewski M.; Rouxel D.; Kalarikkal N.; Thomas S. Exploring the reinforcing mechanism and micromechanical models for the interphase characteristics in melt mixed XLPE-fumed SiO2 nanocomposites Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Al-Jeznawi D.; Jais I.B.M.; Albusoda B.S. The effect of model scale, acceleration history, and soil condition on closed-ended pipe pile response under coupled static-dynamic loads International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
Suryanita R.; Maizir H.; Zulapriansyah R.; Subagiono Y.; Arshad M.F. The effect of silica fume admixture on the compressive strength of the cellular lightweight concrete Results in Engineering
Mustaffa N.K.; Isa C.M.M.; Ekundayo D.; Joseph V.R.A. Barriers and Strategies for Improving Carbon Emissions Management Approaches in Malaysian Construction Construction Economics and Building
Hamid H.A.; Alias R. Engineering Properties Investigation of Soft Clay as Potential Subgrade Material Civil Engineering and Architecture
Azahar W.N.A.W.; Kasim N.; Ismail N.N.; Jaya R.P.; Hainin M.R.; Masri K.A.; Bujang M.; Al-Saffar Z.H. Behaviour of Hot Mix Asphalt Incorporating Untreated and Treated Waste Cooking Oil International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
Kordi N.E.; Belayutham S.; Ibrahim C.K.I.C. Social sustainability in construction projects: Perception versus reality and the gap-filling strategies Frontiers in Built Environment
Azhar N.A.S.M.; Hashim N.H.; Sidek M.N.M.; Halim N.A.I.A.; Newman A.; Fauzi M.A.M. Effect of low inclusion of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) as a partially sand replacement to the performance of mortar Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation
Jamain M.F.; Muda M.A.; Beddu S.; Noor M.J.M.; Manan T.S.B.A.; Ahmad M. An analysis of innovative and maintenance free active pre-stressed soil nail with reinforced grout hybrid anchor in the region of Rawang, Malaysia Acta Geophysica
Muda M.F.; Hashim M.H.M.; Kamarudin M.K.; Mohd M.H.; Rahman M.A. Corroded Subsea Pipelines Burst Pressure Prediction Utilizing Finite Element Data Using ANN Civil Engineering and Architecture
Ismail N.A.; Kasmuri N.; Hamzah N. Microbial Bioremediation Techniques for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAHs)—a Review Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
Gani P.; Apandi N.M.; Mohamed Sunar N.; Matias-Peralta H.M.; Kean Hua A.; Mohd Dzulkifli S.N.; Parjo U.K. Outdoor phycoremediation and biomass harvesting optimization of microalgae Botryococcus sp. cultivated in food processing wastewater using an enclosed photobioreactor International Journal of Phytoremediation
Shaffie E.; Jaya R.P.; Ahmad J.; Arshad A.K.; Zihan M.A.; Shiong F. Prediction Model of the Coring Asphalt Pavement Performance through Response Surface Methodology Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Chiew F.H.; Noh N.; Oh C.L.; Noor N.A.M.; Isa C.M.M. Teaching, Learning and Assessments (TLA) in Civil Engineering Laboratory Courses in Open Distance Learning (ODL) during Covid-19 Pandemic Asian Journal of University Education
Bhkari N.M.; Chen L.W.; Azmi A.; Nordin M.S.; Yam N.W.S.; Ahmad Z.; Hua L.S. Bending, Compression and Bonding Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Made from Malaysian Fast-Growing Timbers Journal of Renewable Materials
Mustaffa N.K.; Kudus S.A.; Aziz M.F.H.A. Key drivers, challenges and strategies towards successful low-carbon campus: the case of UiTM Shah Alam campus Journal of Facilities Management
Christermaller F.; Che Ibrahim C.K.I.; Manu P.; Belayutham S.; Mahamadu A.-M.; Yunusa-Kaltungo A. Implementation of Design for Safety (DfS) in Construction in Developing Countries: A Study of Designers in Malaysia Construction Economics and Building
Allujami H.M.; Abdulkareem M.; Jassam T.M.; Al-Mansob R.A.; Ng J.L.; Ibrahim A. Nanomaterials in recycled aggregates concrete applications: mechanical properties and durability. A review Cogent Engineering
Lian O.C.; Keong C.K.; Nishimura T.; Jae‐yeol K. Multi‐Directional Shape Change Analysis of Biotensegrity Model Mimicking Human Spine Curvature Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Sharar M.; Agyekum K.; Manu P.; Che Ibrahim C.K.I.; Mahamadu A.-M.; Antwi-Afari M.F.; Danso F.O. Design for safety in construction: a study of design professionals in Kuwait International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation
Abbas H.A.; Mohamed Z. Anisotropic index strength behaviour and failure mode validation of weathered shale Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Hadi N.D.; Hamid N.H.A.; Azmi I.F.; Hassan R.; Sutopo Y.; Chao B.; Zainuddin N.A. Comparison of Seismic Response Corner Beam-Column Joint with and without Fuse Bars Under In-Plane Lateral Cyclic Loading Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures


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College of Engineering,
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